Room To Move is a dance & fitness studio/rental facility, open to the community.
Dressed To Groove is a dancewear shop & the studios office, next door.
Dressed To Groove is a dancewear shop & the studios office, next door.
All classes and events within Room To Move are offered by third party Residents or Renters.
For more information on a class or event; contact the promoter directly.
Founded in '09 with the intent of nurturing arts and culture in the far south suburbs of Chicago, Room To Move was formed as an artist co-op. Our co-op Residents offer classes, workshops and events in many disciplines and styles of dance and movement based arts. We are a home for instructors, artists and the community as a whole. New Residents and renters are always welcome.
Our Dancewear shop is open to all dancers. We are open to the public on Tues, Thurs 4-7pm & Sat 10-2. We also open daily by appointment. Just text us.